car scissor hoist

Why Car Scissor Hoists are Ideal for At-Home Garages

If you are a car enthusiast that wants to work on your car from home, you’ll definitely need some sort of car lift to help you do that. There are many different car lifts and hoists available to you, but as workshop equipment professionals, we believe that car scissor hoists are the ideal option for those wanting to work on their cars from their own garages.

So why car scissor hoists?

Inexpensive Option

Let’s face it if you are a hobbyist; you probably don’t want to be forking out too much on a car lift. The good news is that car scissor lifts are highly affordable options and offer great value for money.

Ideal for Wheel and Brake Work

While car scissor lifts may not allow for you to do work on the undercarriage, you can still get a lot of wheel and brake work done by using this type of lift. The wheels and brakes are what usually requires the most maintenance and repair work.

car scissor hoist

Lie Flat

When your car scissor lift is not in use, it can lie flat on your garage floor, allowing you to park over it without any fuss. When you want to use it, you can simply ensure that your car is parked evenly over the lift and get going.

Do Not Take up Much Space

Even if you do not want to store your scissor car lift in your garage, they do not take up much space and can be easily slotted away. Other lift options, such as post lifts, are very cumbersome, and you may find their storage exceptionally challenging.

Easy and Safe to Use

Many at-home car enthusiasts do not have a whole lot of experience when it comes to workshop equipment, and the fact that car scissor hoists are so simple to use makes them an ideal and safe option for beginners.

Are you looking for a car scissor hoist for your at-home garage or your professional workshop? At MAHA Premium Workshop Equipment, we stock a wide variety of different car lifts and hoists. Get in touch with us today on 1800 006 242 for more information.

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